Junior 1 Kayaking 101 -107 Curriculum

Junior 1

AGE 6 years >       

Kayaking Equipment 101

Kayaking Equipment 102

Kayaking Equipment 103

Kayaking Equipment 104

Kayaking Equipment 105

Kayaking Equipment 106

Kayaking Equipment 107


Function of Boat parts

Learn a knot

Learn a knot

Learn a knot

Learn a knot

Throw a rope

Set up boat your completely


Function of the paddle

Put a seat on a kayak

Throw rope

(Parents) how to carry a boat

Different material for kayaks

Where and how to store things on the boat

Have all supplies


Function of the safety gear

Stability of a boat

Different kind of paddles

(Parents) how to load a boat

Faster and slower kayaks


How to water proof your things


Wear the life jacket correctly

(Parents) how to tie down a boat

More maneuverable kayaks


Personal Gear list


Safety check a kayak


Junior 1

AGE 6 years >       

Kayaking Handling 101

Kayaking Handling 102

Kayaking Handling 103

Kayaking Handling 104

Kayaking Handling 105

Kayaking Handling 106

Kayaking Handling 107


Lake :

River :

River :

River :

River :

River :

Evaluation day


Basic Paddle strokes

Why does a river flow ?

How do we read the water surface

How to paddle into a turn

(Parents ) how to spot a hazard

Towing a buddy

Group is setting up the boats


Body posture

Basic Paddle strokes


How to eddy out in stronger current

How to propel stroke

Self rescue

Checking supplies are properly stored



 Forward and back

How to ferry across

Balance when changing current

How to sweep stroke

Buddy rescue

All safety gear packed


How to get in and out of the boat

Body posture

180 degree turns

Perfect all maneuvers in a double


Evaluating the conditions





Body posture (combat position)


360 degree turns

How to get in and out of the boat

Eddy out

   Maneuver evaluation  

180 degree turns

How to enter the water

Peel out

   Graduation Ceremony , Certificates and Awards  


How to paddle into a current

Self rescue


How to land your boat on the shore

How to ferry across

Buddy rescue


How to work together in a double

360 degree turns

Safety Talk


Weather considerations

180 degree turns


Safety Talk




Safety Talk


Junior 1

AGE 6 years >       

Games and Challenges 101

Games and Challenges 102

Games and challenges 103

Games and challenges 104

Games and challenges 105

Games and challenges 106

Games and challenges 107


Friendly race

Friendly race

Time trials

Friendly race

Friendly race

Friendly race

Time Trials


Name a bird if you see one

Name a bird if you see one

Name a bird if you see one

Name a bird if you see one

Name a bird if you see one

Name a bird if you see one

Name a bird if you see one



Standup kayaking

Play in the current , make eddies , make toungs

Drifting , swimming

Drifting , swimming

Drifting , swimming

Drifting , swimming


Standup kayaking

Paddle a course

Make a miniature river course for small kayak

Collecting plants

Collecting rocks

Collecting drift wood


Paddle a course

Retrieve a floating object

Drifting , swimming

Play in the current , make eddies , make tongues 

Play in the current, make eddies , make tongues 

Play in the current , make eddies , make tongues 


Standup kayaking

Standup kayaking

Standup kayaking


Paddle a course

Paddle a course

Paddle a course

Paddle a course

Paddle a course