junior 2 , kayaking COurse details 101 -106

Junior 2

Ages 12 – 17     

Kayaking Equipment 101

Kayaking Equipment 102

Kayaking Equipment 103

Kayaking Equipment 104

Kayaking Equipment 105

Kayaking Equipment 106


Plan a multi day kayak trip

Intro to  WW kayak shapes

History of kayaks

Throw rope

Learn knots

Learn knots


Spray shirt

Different kayak  environments

Learn knots

How to carry a kayak

How to set up a tow rope



Different type of  kayaks

How to store a kayak

How to load a kayak

How to tie a group of boats together

Repair kit on a multi day kayak trip


Different material

How to place a kayak on the shore

Safety check a kayak

Why do we bring a saw

What supplies should one bring


Function of Boat parts

Weight limits for kayaks

Throw rope practice


1st aid Kit List


Function of the paddle

Check that the kayak is safe

  how to use a GPS and Google Earth 

Function of the safety gear

Personal Gear list


How to water proof your valuables

Supplies list


How to store things on your boat


Personal Gear list


Junior 2


Kayaking Handling 101

Kayaking Handling 102

Kayaking Handling 103

Kayaking Handling 104

Kayaking Handling 105

Kayaking Handling 106






Basic Paddle strokes


Understand different currents

The watersurface tells all

Draw stroke

Evaluation day

 Forward and back

Pacing , weight shifting

How to read the water surface

How to spot sleepers

Different river classes

Group is setting up the boats

Body posture

Different ways to hold your paddle

pull your boat , nose upstream


What is a perfect river section

Checking supplies are properly stored


Basic Paddle strokes

How to paddle into a current

How to scout for Hazards

Lead guide roles

All safety gear packed

How to get in and out of the boat

 Forward and back

How to ferry across

What to do in case of Hazards

Sweep guide roles

Evaluating the conditions

360 degree turns


180 degree turns

Group protocol

Scout and identify hazards

Choose lead guide and sweep guide

180 degree turns

propelling (Push)

U-Turns into an Eddy

How to line up your boat in a turn

Find safe eddy out places for the group

(supervised) and participants are taking turns


Body posture combat position

Eddy out

Fine tune using wave trails and tongue  entry

getting pushed into a rock and self rescue

completion of course (on route evaluation)

Switch boats

Safety Talk

Peel out

Safety Talk

Safety Talk

Graduation Ceremony , Certificates and Awards

self rescue, buddy rescue

Flip boats

Balance the boat when changing current

Towing a buddy


Safety Talk

Drain water with buddy help

Safety Talk

Going up stream from Eddy to Eddy




Seasonal  conditions explained

Circling an island


Weather considerations


Junior 2


Games and challenges 101

Games and challenges 102

Games and challenges 103

Games and challenges 104

Games and challenges 105

Games and challenges 106

Friendly Race

Friendly Race

Time Trials

Friendly Race


Time Trials

Name a bird if you see one

Name a bird if you see one

Name a bird if you see one

Name a bird if you see one

Name a bird if you see one

Name a bird if you see one

Standup kayaking

standup kayaking

Play in the current , make eddies , make tongues

drifting , swimming


Paddle a course

paddle a course

Make a miniature river course

Play in the current , make eddies , make tongues


Pickup a floating object

pickup something floating

Drifting , swimming

standup kayaking


Standup kayaking

paddle a course


Paddle a course